Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm working on it!

I thought a bit of eye candy and an update wouldn't hurt.

I'm taking quite a while polishing up/finishing the game by the way, sorry. I just want it to be a fun (and great!), memorable experience. I have high standards since I grew up playing Nintendo and Rareware games. Also, finishing and polishing a game (that quite a few people are waiting for) is super challenging. I keep asking myself, "is it good enough?", "do I need more items?" and other difficult questions. Amidst my work I do see the light though. I also find myself saying "I'm almost done." and "Wow, this is cool.".

This clip from Toy Story 2 sums my situation quite nicely..


  1. I think is great that you work conscientiously. Only that way good works are created.
    I am completly sure this effort will be reflected on the final version of the game. And your dedication will be rewarded.

    Keep doing a great work!

  2. Nice ♥. Were you going to add that "depixilize" effect thing as an option? would be interesting to see what its like on this.

  3. I tried it actually. Looked amazing, but it increases the gpu power required to run the game by 4x because I have to double the resolution to use it properly. I should include it as a setting eventually though.

  4. That'd be cool, I'm sure new/good computers could handle it.

  5. They can, it runs fine on my workstation.

  6. Utmost yes.

    This depixelise effect you mentioned has me curious - is it something along the lines of this?

  7. Yup, exactly. It's like Super 2×SaI and Super Eagle filters.

  8. I spotted it in the IGF entrants list, so presumably Davio's still chipping away at it?

